
Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

The Entente Powers or Allies (French: Forces de l'Entente / Alliés; Italian: Alleati; Romanian: Puterile Antantei / Aliații; Russian: Союзники, Soyuzniki; Serbian: Савезници, Saveznici) were the countries at war with the Central Powers during World War I. The members of the Triple Entente were the French Republic, the British Empire and the Russian Empire; Italy ended its alliance with the Central Powers and entered the war on the side of the Entente in 1915. Japan was another important member. Belgium, Serbia, Greece, Montenegro, and Romania were secondary members of the Entente.

The United States declared war on Germany in 1917 on the grounds that Germany violated U.S. neutrality by attacking international shipping and because of the Zimmermann Telegram sent to Mexico. The U.S. entered the war as an "associated power", rather than a formal ally of France and the United Kingdom, in order to avoid "foreign entanglements". Although the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria severed relations with the United States, neither declared war.

Although the Dominions and Crown Colonies of the British Empire made significant contributions to the Allied war effort, they did not have independent foreign policies during World War I. Operational control of British Empire forces was in the hands of the five-member British War Cabinet (BWC). However, the Dominion governments controlled recruiting, and did remove personnel from front-line duties as they saw fit.

From early 1917 the BWC was superseded by the Imperial War Cabinet, which had Dominion representation. The Australian Corps and Canadian Corps were placed for the first time under the command of Australian and Canadian Lieutenant Generals John Monash and Arthur Currie, respectively, who reported in turn to British generals. In April 1918, operational control of all Entente forces on the Western Front passed to the new supreme commander, Ferdinand Foch.

The only countries represented in the 1918 armistice which ended combat on the Western Front were Britain, France and Germany.


The original alliance opposed to the Central Powers was the Triple Entente, which was formed by three Great European Powers:

  •  British Empire
  • French Republic
  •  Russian Empire

The war began with the Austrian attack invasion of Serbia on 28 July 1914, in response to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The Austrian Empire followed with an attack on the Serbian ally Montenegro on 8 August. On the Western Front, the two neutral States of Belgium and Luxembourg were immediately occupied by German troops as part of the German Schlieffen Plan.

Of the two Low Countries, Luxembourg chose to capitulate, and was viewed as a collaborationist State by the Entente Powers: Luxembourg never became part of the Allies, and only narrowly avoided Belgium's efforts of annexation, at the conclusion of hostilities in 1919. On 23 August Japan joined the Entente, which then counted seven members.. The entrance of the British Empire brought Nepal into the war.

On 23 May 1915, Italy entered the war on the Entente side and declared war on Austria; previously, Italy had been a member of the Triple Alliance but had remained neutral since the beginning of the conflict. In 1916, Montenegro capitulated and left the Entente, and two nations joined, Portugal and Romania.

On 6 April 1917 the United States and its American allies entered the war. Liberia, Siam and Greece also became allies. After the October Revolution, Russia left the alliance and ended formal involvement in the war, by the signing of the treaty of Brest Litovsk in November effectively creating a separate peace with the Central Powers. This was followed by Romanian cessation of hostilities, however the Balkan State declared war on Central Powers again on 10 November 1918. The Russian withdrawal allowed for the final structure of the alliance, which was based on five Great Powers:

  • French Republic
  •  British Empire
  •  United States
  •  Italy
  •  Japan

Major affiliated state combatants

United Kingdom

War justifications

In response to Germany's invasion of neutral Belgium, the United Kingdom declared war on Germany on 4 August 1914. The British Empire held several semi-autonomous dominions that were automatically brought into the war effort as a result of the British declaration of war, including Australia, Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand, and South Africa.

Colonies and dependencies

In Europe

Gibraltar, Cyprus and Malta were British dependencies in Europe.

In Africa

The UK held several colonies, protectorates, and semi-autonomous dependencies at the time of World War I. In Eastern Africa the East Africa Protectorate, Nyasaland, both Northern and Southern Rhodesia, the Uganda Protectorate, were involved in conflict with German forces in German East Africa. In Western Africa, the colonies of Gold Coast and Nigeria were involved in military actions against German forces from Togoland and Kamerun. In Southwestern Africa, the semi-autonomous dominion of South Africa was involved in military actions against German forces in German South-West Africa.

In North America

Canada and Newfoundland were two semi-autonomous dominions during the war that made major military contributions to the British war effort.

Other British dependent territories in the Americas included: British Honduras, the Falkland Islands, British Guiana, and Jamaica.

In Asia

The UK held large possessions in Asia, including the British Raj that were an assortment of British imperial authorities in the territory then defined as India.

Other British territories at the time included: British Malaya â€" referring to several Malay states under British control as a result of the Straits Settlements; North Borneo; and Hong Kong.

In Oceania

Australia and New Zealand were two semi-autonomous dominions of the UK in Oceania during the war.


In response to Austria-Hungary's invasion of Serbia in 1914, Russian government officials denounced the Austro-Hungarian invasion as an "ignoble war" on a "weak country". Russian government official NikolaÄ­ N. Shebeko stated: "the attack on Serbia by a powerful empire such as Austria, supposedly in order to defend its existence, cannot be understood by anyone in my country; it has been considered simply as a means of delivering a death-blow to Serbia." Russia held close diplomatic relations with Serbia, and Russian foreign minister Sergey Sazonov suspected the events were a conspiracy between Austria-Hungary and Germany to expel Russian influence in the Balkans. On 30 July 1914, Russia enacted a general mobilization. The day after general mobilization was enacted, Austria-Hungary's ally Germany declared war on Russia prior to expected Russian intervention against Austria-Hungary.

Following a raid by Ottoman warships on the Russian port of Odessa, Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire in November 1914.


After Germany declared war on Russia, France with its alliance with Russia prepared a general mobilization in expectation of war. On 3 August 1914, Germany declared war on France.


Japan declared war on Germany after it did not accept an ultimatum sent by Japan to Germany, demanding that Germany extinguish its title to the Kiautschou Bay concession and restore that territory to China. The Japanese government appealed to the Japanese public that Japan was not merely entering a "European War" on behalf of European powers, but that Japan was fighting on behalf of Asians against a belligerent European power, Germany, that Japan identified as the "source of evil in the Far East". Thus as a result of this, Japan was following through with the Anglo-Japanese Alliance.


Italy had been a member of the Triple Alliance alongside Germany and Austria-Hungary since the 1880s, however the Triple Alliance stipulated that all parties must be consulted in the event of one country engaging in war and Italy was not informed of this. As such Italy claimed that it was not obligated to join their war effort. Italy's relations with Germany and Austria-Hungary in contrast to the Allies were additionally affected by the fact that in 1913, Britain supplied Italy with 90 percent of its annual imports of coal. The war effort of the Central Powers meant that Germany and Austria-Hungary were using their coal supplies for the war, and little was available to be exported to Italy. Italy initially attempted to pursue neutrality from 1914 to 1915.

After diplomatic negotiations, Britain and France convinced Italy to join the war effort with promises that Italy would gain favourable territorial concessions from the Central Powers, including Italian-populated territories of Austria-Hungary. Italy ordered mobilization on 22 May 1915, and issued an ultimatum to Austria-Hungary, and then declared war on Austria-Hungary, though it did not declare war on Germany.

Minor affiliated state combatants


Belgium had declared its neutrality when the war began, but Germany disregarded Belgium's neutrality and invaded the country in order to launch an offensive against the French capital of Paris. As a result Belgium became a member of the Allies.


Brazil entered the war in 1917 after the United States intervened on the basis of Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare sinking its merchant ships, which Brazil also cited as a reason to enter the war fighting against Germany and the Central Powers.


Montenegro had very close cultural and political connections with Serbia and had cooperated with Serbia in the Balkan Wars of 1912â€"1913. Montenegro joined the war against Austria-Hungary.

Nejd and Hasa

The Emirate of Nejd and Hasa agreed to enter the war as an ally of Britain in the Treaty of Darin on December 26, 1915.


Serbia was invaded by Austria-Hungary after Austria-Hungary placed a stringent ultimatum to the Serbian government demanding full compliance to an Austro-Hungarian investigation of complicity by the Serbian government in the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand. Serbia agreed to most of Austria-Hungary's demands but because it did not fully comply, Austria-Hungary invaded.

Serbia had the diplomatic support of Russia, and both Serbia and Russia resented Austria-Hungary's absorption of Bosnia and Herzegovina that held a substantial Serb population. Serbia had expanded in size through its actions in the Balkan Wars of 1912â€"1913 when the Ottoman Empire's control in the Balkans collapsed.

During the war, Serbia justified the war as being the result of Austro-Hungarian imperialism towards Serbs and South Slavs, Serbia cooperated with Yugoslavists including the Yugoslav Committee who sought pan-South-Slav unification, particularly through liberating South Slavs from Austria-Hungary. In the Corfu Declaration in 1917, the Serbian government officially declared its intention to form a state of Yugoslavia.

The first two allied victories in the war were won by the Serbian army, on the mountains of Cer and Kolubara, in western Serbia. The Austro-Hungarian army was expelled from the country, suffering heavy losses. Serbia suffered great losses during the war, almost 50% of all men and around 30% of its entire population were killed. On July 28, 1918, the Serbian flag was raised at American public buildings, including the White House, on the order of President Woodrow Wilson as a sign of recognition for Serbia's resistance against the Central Powers.

Major co-belligerent state combatants

United States

The United States declared war on Germany in 1917 on the grounds that Germany violated U.S. neutrality by attacking international shipping with its unrestricted submarine warfare campaign. The U.S. entered the war as an "associated power," rather than a formal ally of France and the United Kingdom, in order to avoid "foreign entanglements." Although the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria severed relations with the United States, neither declared war.

Non-state combatants

Four non-state combatants, which voluntarily fought with the Allies and seceded from the constituent states of the Central Powers at the end of the war, were allowed to participate as winning nations to the peace treaties:

  • Polish Legions
  • Czechoslovak Legions: armed by France, Italy and Russia
  •  The Hejaz: armed by Britain in Arabia
  • Armenians: seceded from Russia and fought against Ottoman Empire.



  • Raymond Poincaré â€" President of France
  • René Viviani â€" Prime Minister of France (13 June 1914 â€" 29 October 1915)
  • Aristide Briand â€" Prime Minister of France (29 October 1915 â€" 20 March 1917)
  • Alexandre Ribot â€" Prime Minister of France (20 March 1917 â€" 12 September 1917)
  • Paul Painlevé â€" Prime Minister of France (12 September 1917 â€" 16 November 1917)
  • Georges Clemenceau â€" Prime Minister of France (From 16 November 1917)
  • Divisional General / Marshal Joseph Joffre â€" Commander-in-Chief of the French Army (3 August 1914 â€" 13 December 1916)
  • Divisional General Robert Nivelle â€" Commander-in-Chief of the French Army (13 December 1916 â€" April 1917)
  • Divisional General / Marshal Philippe Pétain â€" Commander-in-Chief of the French Army (April 1917 â€" 11 November 1918)
  • Divisional General / Marshal Ferdinand Foch â€" Supreme Allied Commander (26 March 1918 â€" 11 November 1918)
  • Divisional General Maurice Sarrail â€" Commander of the Allied armies at Salonika Front (1915 â€" 1917)
  • Army General Adolphe Guillaumat â€" Commander of the Allied armies at Salonika Front (1917 â€" 1918)
  • Divisional General / Marshal Louis Franchet d'Espèrey â€" Commander of the Allied armies at Salonika Front (1918)
  • Brigadier General Milan Rastislav Å tefánik â€" General of French Army, Commander of Czechoslovak Legions

British Empire

  • George V â€" King of the United Kingdom, Emperor of India
  • H. H. Asquith â€" Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (Until 5 December 1916)
  • David Lloyd George â€" Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (From 7 December 1916)
  • Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener â€" Secretary of State for War (5 August 1914 â€" 5 June 1916)
  • General William Robertson â€" Chief of the Imperial General Staff (23 December 1915 â€" February 1918)
  • General Henry Wilson â€" Chief of the Imperial General Staff (February 1918 â€" February 1922)
  • General John French â€" Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force (4 August 1914 â€" 15 December 1915)
  • General / Field Marshal Douglas Haig â€" Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force (15 December 1915 â€" 11 November 1918)
  • General Hugh Trenchard â€" Commander of Royal Flying Corps â€" (August 1915 â€" January 1918)
  • Winston Churchill â€" First Lord of the Admiralty â€" (1911 â€" May 1915)
  • Arthur Balfour- First Lord of the Admiralty â€" (May 1915 â€" December 1916)
  • Edward Carson â€" First Lord of the Admiralty â€" (10 December 1916 â€" 17 July 1917)
  • Eric Geddes â€" First Lord of the Admiralty â€" (July 1917 â€" January 1919)
  • Admiral of the Fleet John "Jackie" Fisher â€" First Sea Lord â€" (1914 â€" May 1915)
  • Admiral Henry Jackson â€" First Sea Lord â€" (May 1915 â€" November 1916)
  • Admiral John Jellicoe â€" Commander of the Grand Fleet (August 1914 â€" November 1916); First Sea Lord (November 1916 â€" December 1917)
  • Admiral Rosslyn Wemyss â€" First Sea Lord (December 1917 â€" November 1919)
  • Admiral David Beatty â€" Commander of the Grand Fleet (November 1916 â€" April 1919)
  • General Edmund Allenby â€" Commander of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (June 1917 â€" November 1918)

Dominion of Canada

  • Robert Borden â€" Prime Minister of Canada (1914â€"18)
  • Sam Hughes â€" Minister of Militia and Defence (1914 â€" January 1915)
  • Joseph Flavelle- Chairman of Imperial Munitions Board (1915â€"19)
  • General Julian Byng (June 1916 â€" June 1917) Canadian Corps commander
  • Lieutenant-General Edwin Alderson â€" Commander of the unified Canadian Corps of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (26 January 1915 â€" September 1915)
  • General Arthur Currie â€" Commander of the unified Canadian Corps of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (June 1917 â€")

Commonwealth of Australia

  • Joseph Cook â€" Prime Minister of Australia (until 17 September 1914)
  • Andrew Fisher â€" Prime Minister of Australia (17 September 1914 â€" 27 October 1915)
  • Billy Hughes â€" Prime Minister of Australia (from 27 October 1915)
  • General John Monash â€" Commander of the Australian Corps (all five Australian infantry divisions serving on the Western Front) (May 1918 â€")
  • Major General William Holmes â€" Commander of the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force (August 1914 â€" February 1915)
  • General Harry Chauvel â€" Commander of Desert Mounted Corps (Sinai and Palestine) (August 1917 â€")

British India

  • Charles Hardinge, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst â€" Viceroy of India 1910â€"1916
  • Frederic Thesiger, 1st Viscount Chelmsford â€" Viceroy of India 1916â€"1921
  • Austen Chamberlain â€" Secretary of State for India
  • Lieutenant-General John Nixon commander of the British Indian Army (active in the Middle East)

Union of South Africa

  • General Louis Botha â€" Prime Minister of South Africa
  • General Jan Smuts â€" Led forces in South-West Africa Campaign and East African Campaign, later member of the Imperial War Cabinet

New Zealand

  • William Massey â€" Prime Minister of New Zealand
  • General Sir Alexander Godley â€" Commandant of New Zealand Military Forces (to October 1914); Commander of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force
  • Major General Sir Alfred William Robin â€" Quartermaster-General and Commandant of New Zealand Military Forces (from October 1914)

Dominion of Newfoundland

  • Sir Edward Morris â€" Prime Minister of Newfoundland (1909â€"1917)
  • Sir John Crosbie â€" Prime Minister of Newfoundland (1917â€"1918)
  • Sir William Lloyd â€" Prime Minister of Newfoundland (1918â€"1919)


  • Nicholas II â€" Russian Emperor, King of Poland, and Grand Prince of Finland. (Until 15 March 1917)
  • Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich â€" Commander-in-chief (1 August 1914 â€" 5 September 1916) and viceroy in the Caucasus
  • Ivan Goremykin â€" Chairmen of Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire (1 August 1914 â€" 2 February 1916)
  • Boris Stürmer â€" Chairmen of Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire (2 February 1916 â€" 23 November 1916)
  • Alexander Trepov â€" Chairmen of Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire (23 November 1916 â€" 27 December 1916)
  • Nikolai Golitsyn â€" Chairmen of Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire (27 December 1916 â€" 9 January 1917)
  • General of the Cavalry Alexander Samsonov â€" Commander of the Russian Second Army for the invasion of East Prussia (1 August 1914 â€" 29 August 1914)
  • General of the Cavalry Paul von Rennenkampf â€" Commander of the Russian First Army for the invasion of East Prussia (1 August 1914 â€" November 1914)
  • General of the Artillery Nikolay Ivanov â€" Commander of the Russian army on the Southwestern Front, (1 August 1914 â€" March 1916) responsible for much of the action in Galicia
  • General Adjutant Aleksei Brusilov â€" Commander of the South-West Front, then provisional Commander-in-Chief after the Tsar's abdication (February 1917 â€" August 1917)
  • General of the Infantry Lavr Georgievich Kornilov â€" Commander of the South-West Front, then Commander-in-Chief (August 1917)
  • General of the Infantry Aleksey Kuropatkin â€" Commander of the Northern Front (October 1915 â€" 1917)
  • General of the Infantry Nikolai Yudenich â€" Commander of the Caucasus (January 1915 â€" May 1917)
  • Admiral Andrei Eberhardt â€" Commander of Black Sea Fleet (1914â€"16)
  • Admiral Alexander Kolchak â€" Commander of Black Sea Fleet (1916â€"17)
  • Admiral Nikolai Essen â€" Commander of Baltic Fleet (1913 â€" May 1915)


  • Peter I â€" King of Serbia
  • Crown Prince Alexander â€" Regent, Commander-in-Chief
  • Nikola PaÅ¡ić â€" Prime Minister of Serbia
  • Field Marshal Radomir Putnik â€" Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army (1914â€"1915)
  • General / Field Marshal Živojin MiÅ¡ić â€" Deputy Chief of General Staff (1914), Commander of First Army (1914â€"1915; 1917), later Chief of General Staff (1918)
  • General / Field Marshal Petar Bojović â€" Commander of First Army (1914), Deputy Chief of General Staff (1915â€"1916), Chief of General Staff (1916â€"1917) later Commander of First Army (1918)
  • General / Field Marshal Stepa Stepanović â€" Commander of Second Army (1914â€"1918)
  • General Pavle JuriÅ¡ić Å turm â€" Commander of Third Army (1914â€"1916)
  • Colonel DuÅ¡an Stefanović â€" Minister of War (1914)
  • Colonel Radivoje Bojović â€" Minister of War (1914â€"1915)
  • Colonel / General Božidar Terzić â€" Minister of War (1915â€"1918)
  • General Mihailo RaÅ¡ić â€" Minister of War (1918)
  • Colonel / General MiloÅ¡ Vasić â€" Commander of First Army (1916; 1917), Commander of Third Army (1916)


  • Nicholas I â€" King of Montenegro, Commander-in-Chief
  • General Serdar Janko Vukotić â€" Prime Minister, Commander of 1st Montenegrin Army
  • General Božidar Janković â€" Chief of the General Staff of the Montenegrin Army (1914â€"1915)
  • Colonel Petar PeÅ¡ić â€" Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Montenegrin Army (1914â€"1915), later Chief of the General Staff of the Montenegrin Army (1915â€"1916)
  • Crown Prince Danilo II Petrović-NjegoÅ¡ â€" In the staff of the 1st Montenegrin Army
  • Brigadier Krsto Popović â€" In the staff of the 1st Montenegrin Army, Aide-de-camp to Serdar Janko Vukotić
  • General Anto Gvozdenović â€" King's Aide-de-camp
  • General Mitar Martinović â€" Commander of several detachments in the Montenegrin army ( Drina and Herzegovina detachments together in 1914â€"1915, Kotor detachment in 1916 )


  • Eleftherios Venizelos: Prime minister of Greece after 13 June 1917.
  • Constantin I: King of Greece, he retired from the throne, without formally resigning.
  • George: Crown Prince of Greece, designated King after his father retired form the throne, he refused to become the new king and followed his father in exile.
  • Alexander: King of Greece, he became King of Greece after his father and brother retired from the throne.
  • Panagiotis Danglis: Greek general in the Hellenic Army.


  • Albert I of Belgium â€" King of the Belgians (23 December 1909 â€" 17 February 1934) and Commander-in-chief of the Belgian army
  • Charles de Broqueville â€" Prime Minister (1912â€"1918); replaced by Gérard Cooreman in June 1918 shortly before the end of the war.
  • Félix Wielemans â€" Chief of Staff of the Belgian Army
  • Gérard Leman â€" general commanding the defense of Liège
  • Théophile Figeys â€" general in the Hundred Days' Offensive
  • Charles Tombeur â€" commander of the colonial Force Publique in the East African theater


  • Victor Emmanuel III â€" King of Italy
  • Antonio Salandra â€" Prime Minister (until 18 June 1916)
  • Paolo Boselli â€" Prime Minister (18 June 1916 â€" 29 October 1917)
  • Vittorio Emanuele Orlando â€" Prime Minister (from 29 October 1917)
  • Luigi Cadorna â€" Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Italian Army
  • Armando Diaz â€" Chief of General Staff of the Royal Italian army
  • Luigi, Duke of Abruzzi â€" Commander-in-Chief of the Adriatic Fleet of Italy (1914â€"17)
  • Paolo Thaon di Revel â€" Admiral of the Royal Italian Navy


  • Ferdinand I â€" King of Romania
  • General Constantin Prezan â€" Chief of the General Staff of Romania
  • Ion I. C. Brătianu â€" Prime Minister of Romania
  • Vintilă Brătianu â€" Secretary of War
  • Field Marshal Alexandru Averescu â€" Commander of the 2nd Army, 3rd Army, then Army Group South
  • General Eremia Grigorescu â€" Commander of the 1st Army

United States

  • Woodrow Wilson â€" President of the United States/Commander-In-Chief of the U.S. armed forces
  • Newton D. Baker â€" U.S. Secretary of War
  • Josephus Daniels â€" United States Secretary of the Navy
  • Major General / General John J. Pershing â€" Commander of the American Expeditionary Force
  • Rear Admiral / Vice Admiral William Sims â€" Commander of U.S. Naval Forces in European Waters
  • Brigadier General Mason Patrick â€" Commander of the United States Army Air Service


  • Emperor Taishō â€" Emperor of Japan
  • ÅŒkuma Shigenobu â€" Prime Minister of Japan (16 April 1914 â€" 9 October 1916)
  • Terauchi Masatake â€" Prime minister of Japan (9 October 1916 â€" 29 September 1918)
  • Hara Takashi â€" Prime minister of Japan (29 September 1918 â€" 4 November 1921)
  • Kōzō Satō â€" Commander of the Second Special Task Fleet
  • Kamio Mitsuomi â€" Commander of Allied land forces at Tsingtao


  • Bernardino Machado â€" President of Portugal (until 12 December 1917)
  • Afonso Costa â€" Prime Minister of Portugal (until 15 March 1916; then again 25 April 1917 â€" 10 December 1917)
  • António José de Almeida â€" Prime Minister of Portugal (15 March 1916 â€" 25 April 1917)
  • Sidónio Pais â€" Prime Minister of Portugal and War Minister (11 December 1917 â€" 9 May 1918) and President of Portugal (from 9 May 1918)
  • José Norton de Matos â€" War Minister (until 10 December 1917)
  • João Tamagnini Barbosa â€" Interim War Minister (9 May 1918 â€" 15 May 1918)
  • Amílcar Mota â€" Secretary of State for War (15 May 1918 â€" 8 October 1918)
  • Álvaro de Mendonça â€" Secretary of State for War (from 8 October 1918)
  • Fernando Tamagnini de Abreu â€" Commander of the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps (CEP)
  • José Augusto Alves Roçadas â€" Commander of the Portuguese Forces in Southern Angola
  • José Luís de Moura Mendes â€" Commander of the Portuguese Forces in Eastern Africa (until June 1916)
  • José César Ferreira Gil â€" Commander of the Portuguese Forces in Eastern Africa (from June 1916)
  • Sousa Rosa â€" Commander of the Portuguese Forces in Eastern Africa (from 1917)


See main Article: Siam in World War I

  • Vajiravudh â€" King of Siam
  • Chakrabongse Bhuvanath â€" Commander of Siamese Expeditionary Forces in Western Front.
  • General Phya Pijaijarnrit â€" Supreme Commander Siamese Force in World War I


See main Article: Brazil during World War I

  • Venceslau Brás â€" President of Brazil
  • Admiral Pedro Frontin, Chief of DNOG (Brazilian Expeditionary Fleet)
  • General Napoleão Felipe Aché, Chief of Brazilian Military Mission in France (1918â€"1919)
    • M.D. Nabuco Gouveia â€" Chief of Brazilian Military Medical Commission

Personnel and casualties

These are estimates of the cumulative number of different personnel in uniform 1914â€"1918, including army, navy and auxiliary forces. At any one time, the various forces were much smaller. Only a fraction of them were frontline combat troops. The numbers do not reflect the length of time each country was involved. (See also: World War I casualties.)

Summary of Declarations of War

The following table shows the timeline of the several declarations of war among the belligerent powers. Entries on a yellow background show severed diplomatic relations only, not actual declarations of war. Unless stated otherwise, declarations of war by and on the United Kingdom include de facto declarations by and on other members of the British Empire.

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