
Selasa, 25 Januari 2022

Know the 7 benefits of yellow pumpkins as well as physical health!

Various benefits of yellow pumpkin

You need to be familiar with pumpkins, right? Whether you understand it or not, everyone sees pumpkins directly or indirectly as Halloween decorations.

However, not many people know that pumpkins actually have many health and beauty benefits. So what are the benefits of pumpkins? See the Kania review below for more details!

1. Boost immunity

Illustration of body immunityShutterstock.com

Pumpkin efficacy is very good at boosting your immune system. This is because pumpkins are very rich in vitamin A, which helps the body's system fight the virus. Therefore, various illnesses can be avoided.

The oil produced by pumpkin, as well as the pulp of the fruit, helps fight fungal and bacterial infections. Eating pumpkin is the same as taking vitamin C, so your body will be healthier and will be able to recover quickly if you get the flu.

2. Lower blood pressure

The doctor checks the patient's blood pressureShutterstock.com

In addition to vitamins A and C, pumpkin is rich in potassium, which helps lower blood pressure in the body. Therefore, you can avoid very dangerous strokes, heart attacks, kidney stones, and bone loss. Now, in addition to pumpkins, you can also eat tomatoes, bananas, and potatoes that contain potassium.

3. Improve eye health

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Like carrots, pumpkins help sharpen your eyesight. This is because pumpkin contains beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is later converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is very good at helping the retina of the eye absorb and process the incoming light. Do not take lightly as diminished eye retinal function can lead to blindness.

Not only that, pumpkins also contain antioxidants Lutein And Zeaxanthin. Both of these ingredients can prevent cataracts and slow the progression of age-related macular hair loss or eye damage.

4. Maintain the beauty of the face

beautiful womenShutterstock.com

In addition to physical health, pumpkins also help with the beauty of facial skin. This is because pumpkins are very rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which can make facial skin healthier, more supple and softer.

Pumpkin's antioxidant content is very good at blocking free radicals, and it can also block radiation from the UV rays that you encounter almost every day. Therefore, by consuming pumpkin, you will look younger.

5. Prevent cancer

Gun pink ribbonShutterstock.com

Everyone will want to avoid this deadly cancer. Now, to prevent this, you can eat pumpkin. The beta-carotene content of pumpkin can also help your body fight cancer, especially prostate and lung cancer. On the other hand, the content of vitamins A and C in pumpkin also functions as protective cells in the body against free radicals that can cause cancer.

6. Maintain heart health

Man with a healthy heartShutterstock.com

Apart from the various ingredients mentioned above, pumpkin also contains magnesium, carotenoids and folic acid. These three ingredients are very good for maintaining your heart health.

Pumpkin magnesium content acts as a vascular relaxant that can lower blood pressure and prevent heart attacks stroke.. Yellow squash can also prevent atherosclerosis, an arteriosclerosis caused by the accumulation of fat on the walls of internal blood vessels.

7. Lose weight

Someone is weighingShutterstock.com

This last advantage of pumpkin may be the right solution for overweight people. Yellow pumpkin is very popular as a healthy menu for weight loss because it is very high in fiber and low in calories and carbohydrates.

Due to the high fiber content of pumpkins, you may feel full when you eat them. Now that you're full, you're reluctant to eat a variety of attractive and weight-gaining snacks.

After seeing the benefits of pumpkins above, why not eat pumpkins, right? Let's eat pumpkin and start a healthy life together!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/103358/manfaat-labu-kuning

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