
Kamis, 27 Januari 2022

The charm of Begonia, the development of tropical countries

Get closer to Begonia and learn about beautiful flowers in tropical countries

Plant lovers need to know that flowers and ornamental plants not only beautify the atmosphere, but also help filter the air, reduce daily pollution and add the coolness of nature.

Now is the time to glance at the begonia plants, the beautiful and fascinating flowers of the tropical nation that you can decorate your home. Now, learn more about the charm of begonia plants through the following discussions from Kania!

Characteristics and types of begonia

Begonia is a type of flowering plant that blooms all year round from the family Begoniaceae.. There are about 2,000 types of begonia itself, and this beauty is one of the largest number of flowering plants. Begonia is commonly found in subtropical or humid tropical climates such as South America, Africa and Asia.

Begonia plant with red, orange and pink flowerswhiteflowerfarm.com

As ornamental plants, begonia can be divided into two groups: begonia with beautiful flowers and begonia with beautiful leaves. Beautiful flower begonia is widely available abroad, especially in the United States. Begonia flowers are generally complex and bloom indefinitely from top to bottom. The colors are also very eye-catching, such as red, pink, yellow and white.

Begonia plant with beautiful green and purple leaves123rf.com

On the other hand, in Indonesia, the variety of begonia with beautiful leaves is increasing. Begonia, which usually has beautiful leaves, is characterized by an asymmetrical leaf shape, which can take various shapes, such as an oval, a finger, or a trumpet like a palm, depending on its type. Begonia leaves come in a variety of colors, ranging from green, purple, gray, red, or even multiple color combinations at once.

Tips for caring for begonia at home

Before taking care of a begonia, you first need to know what type your begonia belongs to.Beautiful flowering begonia usually comes from a group NodularityAlthough the beautiful lush varieties usually come from Rex varieties. The leaves have very exotic colors and patterns, and the surface of the leaves is rough and textured. However, some people have raw hair.

Beautiful potted lush begoniabhg.com

Begonia can be a decorative plant or hanging flower at home, whether in the area or not indoor as well as Outdoor As long as the planting location is correct. Begonia is planted in indirect sunlight and still has sufficient humidity levels. Bright shade can be fooled by using a shaded tarpaulin, placing a begonia under a paranet, or blocking it with a large plant.

Plant begonia leaves in a pot watered in a gray flowerpotApartmenttherapy.com

Avoid frequent watering of begonia as it can cause root rot Water too much.. Some experts recommend watering begonia only when the plant begins to show signs of dryness, such as fallen leaves.To prevent it Water too much Or mushrooms, you can be wise just by spraying enough water on the plant medium section on a regular basis.

For fertilizer application, the best and best fertilizers for begonia are fertilizers containing the elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The dose of each fertilizer should also be adjusted to be balanced. Begonia plants do not need to be fertilized frequently, only once every 6 months. In addition, begonia roots are a very sensitive type of fiber root, so care must be taken during the fertilization process.

Beautiful lush begonia on different colored lawnsthemarthablog.com

Finally, to maximize the beauty of the begonia plant's appearance, you can regularly use a soft cloth to clean the begonia leaves where water droplets remain. Dried begonia helps your plant last longer. Not only is it dry, but cleaning the begonia will make it look shiny and beautiful.

After reading the above review, you got to know more about begonia plants, right? Yes, don't forget the Begonia Botanical Care Tips for Decorma!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/93645/mengenal-tanaman-begonia

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