
Jumat, 11 Februari 2022


For families planning to have children or add younger siblings, there are some things to consider and prepare. One of them is planning a bedroom for your child.

At first, your child may still be able to sleep with his parents. But over time, it's a good idea to teach your child to sleep alone. Not only will it help you grow and develop, but sleeping in your own room will help your child become more self-reliant, confident and responsible.


So it's good for moms and dads to start thinking about their bedroom needs. Plus, if mom and dad could create your little dreamy bedroom.

To help your child sleep comfortably alone, the first room certainly has some items you need. For example, soft mattresses, soft sheets and blankets, drawers to put what you need, and plenty of lighting. Mom and dad should also give him some "friends" to accompany him.For example, like a doll or pillow shaped like his favorite animal, Vinatan.


I got a price quote!

  • Soft mattress Rp. 1,340,900
  • Minimalist drawer Rp.599,000
  • Cute sheets Rp. 230,000
  • Soft bedspread Rp. 345,000
  • Nightlight Rp.99,900
  • Sun Pillow Rp. 122,000
  • Cat pillow Rp.105,000


JYSK COD PRICE STAR3 Drawer Beech | King Rabbit Baby Elephant Pink Bed Sheets | IKEA SmilaBlommma Wall Lamp

Total: IDR 2,841,800

Well, that's the basic cost you need to fill your little person's first bedroom. Some items, such as mattresses and drawers, are very durable and can be a long-term investment, so even smaller ones can be used until they are larger.


To make your child even more enthusiastic about sleeping in his room, you can invite him to choose the bed sheets he likes or the bed light model he wants. You can also ask what wall color you want in his room.To paint a room with a model Color block, You need 2 cans of paint and the price is less than Rp200,000.Means the total amount of this first bedroom Not up to IDR 3 million! Wow!

So for moms and dads, you don't have to worry too much about the cost of your small bedroom. The important thing is to deepen your understanding and train your child to sleep in his room.As a bonus, you can also enjoy mom and dad Full time To both tablets.


come on, share About this total price information Mom The other is to allow mom to calm down and set aside. budget For her baby's bedroom ?

please rest at ease!

* The above pictures are for illustration purposes only. Of course, moms and dads can add or remove items according to the needs and desires of your little kids ?

Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/4121/saatnya-si-kecil-belajar-tidur-sendiri-biayanya-cuma-segitu-loh

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