
Jumat, 11 Februari 2022

Seven uniqueness and beauty of the famous and expensive Kimen bonsai!

About Bonsai Kimen

Bonsai is one of the most popular types of plants, especially for those who like to collect bonsai. This is because the shape of the bonsai is very unique and the selling price is high, so it is often used as a business opportunity. There are many types of bonsai, but the most popular are coconut, banyan, and shaved bonsai. However, in addition to these types of bonsai, there are other types of bonsai that are being discussed by the general public, namely Kimen bonsai.

This type of Kimen bonsai is becoming more popular due to its very high selling price. So what is the uniqueness and beauty of Kimen bonsai? Instead of being intrigued, see Kania's review of Kimen Bonsai below, let's go!

1. Kimen bonsai including Banyan bonsai type

Green Kimen bonsaipinterest.com

If you like bonsai, you need to be familiar with the types of banyan bonsai, right? Now, it turns out that the currently popular Kimen bonsai is included in the Banyan bonsai type. Therefore, don't get confused because the name of Kimdan Yang Bonsai is a long name of Kimen Bonsai.

2. Kimen bonsai has a beautiful shape

Well-maintained Kimen bonsaiistockphoto.com

You may feel a little uncomfortable when you hear the name Kimen Bonsai. However, the shape of this type of bonsai is actually very unique and beautiful, and it is not inferior to other bonsai, so do not judge the appearance of Kimen bonsai from the name. Therefore, it is not surprising that Kimen bonsai is an ornamental plant.

In particular, the characteristic of Kimen bonsai is that it has very lush green leaves that are refreshing to the eyes. Normal stems, on the other hand, are large enough to look very nice.

3. Kimen bonsai has a long life

Beautiful Kimen bonsaipinterest.com

Anyone who has a Kimen bonsai will definitely feel happy because this type of bonsai can survive for a very long time. However, of course, this requires regular follow-up of proper plant care and maintenance techniques.

Taking care of it is not so difficult, you just need to provide the best pots and planting media as a container for Kimen bonsai. Normally, for a standard Kimen bonsai type, the required pot size is about 60 cm. After that, general maintenance such as sunbathing, proper watering, and root and leaf care is performed.

4. The price of Kimen bonsai is very expensive

Beautiful Kimen bonsaipinterest.com

Kimen bonsai is very expensive because it has a very beautiful shape and a long lifespan.So if you are interested and have budgetDon't be afraid to buy Kimen bonsai, as the price is very comparable to its uniqueness and beauty.

However, you should first investigate the seller before making a purchase. Make sure to buy Kimen bonsai in a reliable place to avoid fraud and quality of bonsai that is not worth the high price.

5. Older, more expensive

Green Kimen bonsairimbakita.com

For a particular product or product, the longer the useful life, the lower the selling price. However, this is different from Kimen bonsai.

Now, if you succeed in caring for the Kimen bonsai type for a long time, you can resell it at a higher price than when you purchased it. In fact, the price of this old Kimen bonsai can reach hundreds of millions. Wow, isn't it really cool?

6. Maintaining Kimen Bonsai can relieve stress

Uniqueness of Kimen Bonsai for stress reliefBonsai-nbf.org

Have you heard that caring for plants can reduce stress? Yes, that is certainly the case when you maintain a Kimen bonsai. This is because when you take care of yourself, you need to focus on the bonsai and do it until you don't think about anything that makes you feel stressed. The beauty of the Kimen bonsai itself will satisfy you and make you feel happy.

Not only that, when you take care of this beautiful bonsai, you will definitely move a lot and bring out your creativity to create beautiful bonsai shapes. Now, this will make your brain and body work better and your mind will be fresher.

7. Kimen bonsai requires a replacement planting medium

Big Kimen bonsaipinterest.com

Generally, Kimen bonsai is planted in shallow pots. Therefore, the planting medium should be changed regularly. This is intended to avoid root damage due to damp conditions. If this happens, the bonsai trunk can experience death. Therefore, change the planting medium regularly to keep the Kimen bonsai growing and healthy!

As an additional tip, you can join the various communities of bonsai lovers to facilitate sales. That way, you can also get detailed information such as Kimen bonsai type.

Seeing the uniqueness and beauty of the Kimen bonsai above, how did you get interested in maintaining it? I hope you find this article useful.

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/107443/keunikan-bonsai-kimeng

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