
Selasa, 15 Februari 2022

Want a seawater aquarium? First, understand the following 7 things!

Seawater aquariums are a hobby choice that helps relieve stress while giving the home a decorative element that is visually pleasing and can add to the atmosphere of the room. Unfortunately, owning a seawater aquarium is not as easy as owning a traditional freshwater aquarium. Apart from having different treatments, there are some other things that you need to pay attention to before deciding to have a sea aquarium.

If you are someone who wants to add a sea aquarium as an element of a home interior in the form of a mini or large aquarium, here are some things to keep in mind before deciding to have a sea aquarium!

1. Seawater aquarium ecosystem type

Every sea aquarium has a different type of ecosystem. Different ecosystems require different treatments and equipment.Some types of seawater aquarium ecosystems that are generally owned by seawater aquarium enthusiasts FOWLR ecosystem (Catch fish with live rock alone). It consists only of rocks and ornamental sea fish, coral reef ecosystems, seahorse ecosystems, cold water coral reef ecosystems, and many other types of ecosystems.

Ecosystem Seawater Aquariumpinterest.com

The FOWLR ecosystem is the most basic marine aquarium ecosystem with marine ornamental fish as a major element without considering the use of coral. Nevertheless, artificial corals can be used to decorate attractive aquariums, and ornamental fish that commonly coexist with corals can live more comfortably in sea aquariums.

In addition, seawater aquarium hobby beginners often use the coral reef ecosystem. Soft coral So Leather coral, zoanthids, And Mushroom coral This is certainly easy to adapt to different types of aquatic conditions in seawater.

2. The size of the sea aquarium you have

After deciding what type of ecosystem you want to apply to a seawater aquarium, the next thing you need to understand is the size of the seawater aquarium you need.

Sea aquarium sizealiexpress.com

Many thoughts Nano Aquarium Or a small sea aquarium is suitable for beginners. In fact, sea aquariums that are too small are very susceptible to a variety of problems.

A medium-sized seawater aquarium is perfect for those who are just starting out with a saltwater aquarium hobby. It gives you more space to fix maintenance errors that aren't as fast as using a small aquarium. Aquarium. There is nothing wrong with creating a unique aquarium design!

3. Seawater aquarium filtration system

One of the important things to keep in mind when having a seawater aquarium is the filtering system. As with aquariums, even in common fishponds, this filtration system helps ensure that the water in the seawater aquarium is clean and free of various substances that are harmful to the aquarium's ecosystem.

Aquarium seawater filteryoutube.com

However, with traditional aquarium filtering systems, there is a risk that the sea aquarium will lose useful nutrients for the aquarium's ornamental fish and corals. Use additional nutrients on a regular basis to overcome it.

4. Seawater aquarium lighting system

The lighting system is another device that needs to be understood after the seawater tank filtration system, especially if there are corals in the seawater tank. Corals need enough light to grow and develop properly.

Aquarium seawater lightingGoogle COM

This type of LED lamp is highly recommended for beginners when choosing a lighting system. Not only is the light from the LED lamps less susceptible to damage due to power saving, but it is also sufficient for coral growth in sea aquariums.

5. Learn about coral

Coral Sea AquariumGoogle COM

Coral is one of the ecosystem and decorative elements of oceanariums and is different from freshwater aquariums. There are many types of corals that can be applied to sea aquariums. Seawater aquarium coral not only looks different, but also has a different personality. The types of coral commonly used in sea aquariums are:

Coral and sea aquarium fishpinterest.com

  • Soft coralThis type of coral is the most adaptable to a variety of lighting systems and is easy to clean. Examples of this type of coral are leather coral, xenia, anteria, zoanthids and mushrooms.
  • LPS (Large Polyp Stony Corals), This type of coral requires more moderate light. Generally, a suitable lighting for this type of coral is a 165 watt LED lamp. This type of coral also requires more disciplined care because it is more difficult and sensitive to adapt to its surroundings.
  • SPS (Small Polyp Stony Corals), This type of coral requires more lighting and lower nutrient content in the water. Examples of this type of coral are Midoriishi, Common Coral, Leptoceris, Birdnest (Hanayasai Coral, Hanayasai Coral, Celiatopora), and Stylocoinella.

Small polyp stony corals are generally suitable for advanced and professional sea aquarium enthusiasts. Seawater Aquarium If you are a hobby beginner, Soft coral More suitable for you to start a dream fish aquarium.

6. Seawater aquarium fish

Once you understand the types of coral used in the seawater aquarium ecosystem, determine the type of fish that will live with the coral in the seawater aquarium.

Fish sea aquariumGoogle COM

It's a little different from a mini fishpond, but the most important thing in choosing a fish to fill a seawater tank is the compatibility of the fish with the fish. In addition, many types of fish have territorial traits that they usually dislike sharing their territory with other fish.

Once you've chosen a fish, make the fish more comfortable and less stressful by bringing the sea aquarium ecosystem as close as possible to the original ecosystem of the ocean and adding corals that are commonly found in the ecosystem where the fish live in the ocean. I will make it.

Start of seawater aquarium

Seawater aquariumGoogle COM

The easiest way to understand how a sea aquarium works is to put it into practice. When you want to get started, don't hesitate to talk with an expert, or where can you get a variety of aquacaping materials specifically for your seawater.

Keep an eye on the initial development of your saltwater aquarium so that you can fix any problems that may occur just before they affect your saltwater aquarium.

By first understanding the seven basics of starting a sea aquarium hobby, you can not only be better prepared, but also ensure that your aquarium is more durable and long lasting. I can do it. Happy creation!

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Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/64889/tips-membuat-akuarium-air-laut

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